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Mexico Timeshare

Your Worst Timeshare Nightmare

Are you ready to put a smile on your face? Take a look at a few of the top timeshare nightmares. Decide on your favorite timeshare nightmare story and comment in the comments box. Say goodbye to your diet The food that is provided at most timeshare resorts is so Read more…

Timeshare or Timeshare Scam?

Are you considering purchasing a timeshare, but are wondering if it will turn out to be a scam? Unfortunately, the timeshare industry is trying to get out from under the scam label that has been following this industry since the 1980s. Many people don’t understand what a timeshare actually is Read more…

Timeshare Memberships with Points

Just as there are many different people in the world there are many different vacations to be had, and no one-size fits all solution… or so you thought! The flexibility and variety offered by points based timeshare memberships and vacation clubs is really quite phenomenal. Not only are such systems Read more…