Puerto Vallarta a Tourist Hot Spot

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Tourism in Puerto Vallarta was reported to be on the rise this summer by Hotel News Resource in an article published on the web August 20, 2013. The post claimed that hotels and resorts in Puerto Vallarta were set for eighty percent occupancy during the summer according to figures given by the Mexican Ministry of Tourism. Local business were poised to take advantage of this positive influx, hoping that 2013 would see the recovery of one of Mexico’s most distinguished destinations. A reported $78 million dollars were expected to filter into the economy, a possible sign that things are looking up for tourism in Mexico.

Some of the possible reasons for this favorable increment were suggested in the report, including the effects of a wide-scale marketing campaign to promote Puerto Vallarta abroad as well as nationally. Welcomed advances in the city’s infrastructure are also listed amongst the changes made by Puerto Vallarta in an attempt to recover the success of its past. Another important element to enhance Puerto Vallarta’s position as a leading destination are the increased number of flights arriving to the port. Delta now have 9 daily direct flights from L.A and there are flights scheduled from New York JFK, St Louis and Philadelphia. The will also be flights available from UK in 2014.

Once visitors arrive to Puerto Vallarta, the merits of this beautiful location are startling. Crystal clear ocean, sandy beaches, tropical jungle, mountains, and spectacular sunsets. The weather is also pretty much guaranteed, with year round sunshine and great temperatures. For adventurous guests, there are also a whole host of activities to enjoy from swimming with dolphins, whale watching, zip line, horse riding and much more.

With tourism on the rise, Puerto Vallarta looks to regain its status as one of the world’s top vacation destinations in 2014.

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