Timeshare Data

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We are providing timeshare data for those individuals who are interested in learning about timeshares. Many people don’t understand what a timeshare is. A timeshare is commonly referred to as a vacation ownership property or a vacation property that is shared. There is a financial arrangement that is set forth where multiple owners will have the right to use the vacation property for a set forth time each year. A timeshare is an excellent opportunity for people to plan ahead for their vacation accommodations when they invest and purchase a timeshare membership. When you purchase a timeshare membership, then you will have a set time to use the vacation property each year. Many timeshares have 25 – 52 timeshare owners, which means that the timeshare owners can use the timeshare unit one to two weeks each year. Continue to read below to learn more about timeshare data.

More Timeshare Buyers

Presently, more and more people who are interested in purchasing a timeshare, along with current timeshare owners, have expressed that they want more vacation choice flexibility. They do not want to have only one vacation property to use for their vacations and they want to have other vacation options, but while still maintaining the same quality of services, comfort, and amenities that they are used to with their timeshare ownership. The timeshare companies have heard their member’s requests and they are creating a timeshare exchange program that will be linked with multiple resorts so timeshare owners can use their allotted vacation times at different resorts that are within the timeshare group.

Flexible Timeshare Exchange Programs

More and more timeshare companies are providing an easy timeshare exchange, which may require an extra fee occasionally. Some of the timeshare companies are also creating a point based system so their timeshare owners can bank points to use at a later time for vacations, tours, activities, and dining. One thing that timeshare owners will need to confirm when their points can be used as some of the timeshare companies have a certain time of the year when the points can be used.

Timeshare Sales On the Rise

Although there may be a few drawbacks to being a timeshare owner, the timeshare industry is a prosperous market. Timeshare sales reached an ultimate high in 2007 when over ten billion dollars was spent on timeshare purchases. In 2009, timeshare purchases declined to an all-time low of six billion dollars. Timeshare sales have been steadily increasing yearly ever since and even though timeshare sales reached an all-time high in 2007, the timeshare industry is still thriving.

Booming Timeshare Industry

Timeshare sales reached nearly eight billion dollars in the United States in the year of 2014. There was nearly 400 thousand timeshare memberships purchased. During this same time a timeshare unit’s average price was $20,000. How many people that attended a timeshare presentation actually purchased a timeshare membership? It was estimated that fifteen percent of the attendees of a timeshare presentation purchased a timeshare membership.

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