Villa del Palmar Cancun Timeshare Resale Nightmares

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The thought of reselling a Villa del Palmar Cancun timeshare is not a thought that the majority of timeshare owners share. There are a few circumstances that leads a pleased timeshare owner to sell, which includes an unexpected sickness in the family that prohibits regular vacation times, the owner inherited the timeshare, or the timeshare owner has recently got divorced or remarried.

Sometimes having to resale a timeshare becomes a reality, no matter the reason, and if you don’t know how to resale your timeshare, then you may experience a nightmare. Below are helpful tips to assist you in a Villa del Palmar Cancun timeshare resale nightmare.

 1. What you need to do to avoid a nightmare with your timeshare resale

There are many resale scams out there and they come in a variety of forms, but one of the most used resale scams is centered around a company offering you assistance in selling your illa del Palmar Cancun timeshare, but this comes at a hefty price and you have to pay this upfront. When the company hasn’t sold your timeshare, then don’t be surprised when you try to call them that their phone no longer works, and your money is gone.

Other scams involving timeshare resales is when companies will call you and entice you to sell your valuable Villa del Palmar Cancun timeshare as they tell you that they have a prospected buyer for the timeshare and the buyer is willing to pay top dollar for it. This can be a nightmare waiting to happen when you pay the company just to get the buyer’s information, because there is no buyer, but when you realize that the company has moved on and is gone with your money.

Another top resale scam is when a company contacts you and offers to purchase your timeshare, but before they can purchase it they will need to have an appraisal performed, but you have to pay for the appraisal. This is a resale scam. The appraisal fee is very expensive, then the company never actually purchases your timeshare.

 2. Timeshare resale success tips:

To have timeshare resale success for your Villa del Palmar Cancun timeshare, you should first decide if you are going to hire a genuine broker that specializes in timeshare resales or if you are going to sell your timeshare privately. If you want to use a broker, then make sure that the broker will work on commissions, then you should take the broker’s advice for the selling price. If the broker wants you to pay an upfront fee, then avoid this broker. A registered timeshare broker should never ask for any money upfront.

If you are going to be selling your Villa del Palmar Cancun timeshare privately, then you will need to do some research. You will need to research timeshares that are in the same location, same size as yours, and provides the same amenities that your timeshare does. Once you have done this research, then set a price that is competitive, then advertise your timeshare on the internet and your local paper. While you are waiting for your timeshare to sell, then you could rent the timeshare out, so you are making money and not rushed to accept the first offer that comes.