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Why meditate? Meditation and yoga have numerous benefits. In fact, you won’t find a better way to keep your body and mind balanced. During the coronavirus and COVID-19 crises, stress levels are rising. Everyone is frantically trying to adjust to a new normal of staying in their homes. Many individuals are being affected financially, physically, and emotionally. Now, is the time to incorporate meditation and yoga into your daily lives, so you stay healthier. Meditation and yoga will keep you grounded during this challenging time. In addition, a dream vacation to Mexico is a well deserved treat after a difficult few months.  Right now, Garza Blanca Resorts in Puerto Vallarta and Cabo San Lucas have updated their safety and hygiene protocol to keep guests safe. Contact Garza Blanca Resorts today to book your summer vacation in Mexico so you have something to look forward to. Meanwhile, continue to read below to learn, why meditate?


Yoga History 

For thousands of years, yoga has been around and in practice. During the last twenty to thirty years, yoga has become increasingly more popular. Over 5,000 years ago in the Indus-Sarasvati region in Northern India, yoga was created. Yoga has even been referred to in the oldest sacred texts, which is known as the Rig Veda. The Rig Veda is a compilation of numerous texts including songs, mantras, and rituals. A few centuries later, India yoga gurus started introducing the Western world yoga. Then, in the 19th and 20th centuries, the yoga tradition was adapted by Yogi Swami Vivekananda. He designed a posture physical fitness yoga routine that was a combination of a stress reliever, fitness and relaxation routine. Yoga provides complete mind and body benefits. 

Advantages of Yoga

To start with, you can keep your mind and body stronger, flexible, and at ease by practicing yoga. If you add some cardio with yoga, you can keep your body extra fit and lean. Muscles will be strengthened and toned. If you have been searching for a way to keep your weight at a normal range, along with balancing your metabolism, then you should try yoga. Your mind and body will begin to connect with yoga, which promotes good health. Yoga is the top choice if you want to reduce stress. Yoga can be done in your home or outdoors. Some popular yoga studios are offering online classes during the COVID-19 crises, and there are also YouTube videos you can watch, too. 

Advantages of Meditation 

Why meditate? There are so many advantages of meditation in addition to yoga. First, to practice meditation, you will try to slow down your thinking and allow your mind to become blank. You can listen to guided meditations to help you, or you can just find a quiet and peaceful place, and start practicing deep breathing techniques. It is important to just pay attention to the ‘now’ moment. You should try to avoid any multitasking. Living in the ‘here and now’ is very important. For example, when you are preparing meals try to pay attention to the cooking process. When you are cleaning or interacting with loved ones, make sure to stay present. You can calm your nerves and mind with meditation. 

Breathing Methods

Breathing methods will allow you to reduce stress, and it is very important with meditation and yoga. You will want to direct your breathing from your chest, then start focusing on deeper and slower breathing. Doing this will calm your mind. Your heart rate will start to decline, and your nervous system will become activated. Anytime you are stressed, your nervous system will take your body’s energy from your immune system making it more susceptible to illness. However, with breathing methods, you can help reduce stress. It will help you relax and become stress-free. Doing the breathing methods will help your body to stop any illnesses and viruses from affecting you, which is very important right now with the COVID-19 epidemic. 

We have to try to control how our energy is channeled, because our future right now is uncertain. You have just learned the importance of why to meditate. Practicing meditation and yoga will keep your mind and body grounded. Remember, you should also book a vacation to Mexico. At Garza Blanca Resorts, they have updated their safety and hygiene protocols in order to keep guests and vacation club members safe to enjoy amazing vacations. You deserve a relaxing and reinvigorating getaway to paradise.  Contact Garza Blanca Resorts today.


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